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Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects iPRES2013 (2013: Lisbon, Portugal)
Studies on the scalability of web preservation -- Rory Blevins, Ismail Patel, Jack O’Sullivan, Ashley Hunter, Robert Sharpe and Pauline Sinclair............. 1rnCLEAR: a credible method to evaluate website archivability -- Vangelis Banos, Yunhyong Kim, Seamus Ross and Yannis Manolopoulos...................... 9rnInteroperability of web archives and digital libraries: A Delphi study -- Hendrik Kalb, Paraskevi Lazaridou, Ed Pinsent and Matthias Trier............ 19rnDatabase Preservation Evaluation Report - SIARD vs. CHRONOS -- Andrew Lindley............. 29rnFile-Based Preservation of the BBC’s Videotape Archive -- Thomas Heritage.................. 39rnLarge-Scale Curation and Presentation of CD-ROM Art Dragan Espenschied, Klaus Rechert, Isgandar Valizada, Dirk Von Suchodoletz and Nick Russler........... 45rnInteroperability Objectives and Approaches: Results from the APARSEN NoE -- Barbara Bazzanella and Yannis Tzitzikas........... 53rnOpen Preservation Data: Controlled vocabularies and ontologies for preservation ecosystems -- Hannes Kulovits, Michael Kraxner, Markus Plangg, Christoph Becker and Sean Bechhofer..... 63rnSupporting practical preservation work and making it sustainable with SPRUCE -- Paul Wheatley and Maureen Pennock..... 73rnCreating a Framework for Applying OAIS to Distributed Digital Preservation -- Eld Zierau and Matt Schultz...... 78rnRealizing the Archivematica vision: delivering a comprehensive and free OAIS implementation -- Courtney Mumma and Peter Van Garderen........... 84rnMeasuring Perceptions of Trustworthiness: A Research Project Devan Ray Donaldson........ 88rnA Framework for Automated Verification in Software Escrow -- Elisabeth Weigl, Johannes Binder, Stephan Strodl, Barbara Kolany, Daniel Draws and Andreas Rauber...... 95rnLeveraging DP in Commercial Contexts through ERM -- Daniel Simon, José Barateiro and Daniel Burda..... 104rnBenefits of geographical, organizational and collection factors in digital preservationrncooperations: The experience of the Goportis consortium -- Michelle Lindlar, Yvonne Friese, Elisabeth Müller, Thomas Bähr and Anja von Trosdorf......................... 110rnENSURE: Long term digital preservation of Health Care, Clinical Trial and Financial data -- Jochen Rauch, Maite Braud, Orit Edelstein, Simona Rabinovici-Cohen, Kenneth Nagin, JohnrnMarberg, David Voets, Isaac Sanya, Mohamed Badawy, Essam Shehab, Frode Randers, J.A. Droppert and Marcin Klecha......... 118rnDigital Preservation of a Process and its Application to e-Science Experiments -- Stephan Strodl, Rudolf Mayer, Gonçalo Antunes, Daniel Draws and Andreas Rauber.............. 128rnFramework for Verification of Preserved and Redeployed Processes -- Tomasz Miksa, Stefan Pröll, Rudolf Mayer, Stephan Strodl, Ricardo Vieira, José Barateiro and Andreas Rauber...... 136rnCloudy Emulation – Efficient and Scaleable Emulation-based Services -- Isgandar Valizada, Klaus Rechert, Konrad Meier, Dennis Wehrle, Dirk Von Suchodoletz and Leander Sabel... 146rnSustainable Data Preservation using datorium – facilitating the Scientific Ideal of Data Sharing in the Social Sciences -- Monika Linne..... 150rnModelling Data Value in Digital Preservation -- Giuseppa Caruso, Luigi Briguglio, Brian Matthews, Calogera Tona and Mirko Albani......... 156rnThe process of building a national trusted digital repository: a user centric approach for requirements gathering and policy development --- Aileen O’Carroll and Sharon Webb....... 162rnArchives New Zealand Migration from Fedora Commons to the Rosetta Digital Preservation System --- Jan Hutar.... 166rnDestination: Shared Repository: The National Library of France’s Journey to Third-Party Archiving -- Louise Fauduet and Sébastien Peyrard......... 172rnA Risk Analysis of File Formats for Preservation Planning -- Roman Graf and Sergiu Gordea.... 177rnOn the Assessment of Preservability: Method and Application -- Diogo Proença, Gonçalo Antunes and Tomasz Miksa......... 187rnAn Analysis of Contemporary JPEG2000 Codecs for Image Format Migration -- William Palmer, Peter May and Peter Cliff....... 197rnManaging and Transforming Digital Forensics Metadata for Digital Collections -- Kam Woods, Alexandra Chassanoff and Christopher Lee....... 203rnPermanent digital data storage: A materials approach -- Barry Lunt, Robert Davis, Douglas Hansen, John Dredge, Hao Wang and Matthew Linford................... 209rnAutomatic Preservation Watch using Information Extraction on the Web -- Luis Faria, Alan Akbik, Barbara Sierman, Marcel Ras, Miguel Ferreira and José Carlos Ramalho.......... 215rnPreservation Policy Levels in SCAPE -- Barbara Sierman, Catherine Jones, Sean Bechhofer and Gry Elstrøm....... 225rnAnalysis of the variability in digitised images compared to the distortion introduced byrnCompression -- Sean Martin and Malcolm Macleod....... 231rnAn attempt at modeling differentiated storage for digitized collections: finding the balance between storage, costs and preservation of digitized publications Trudie StoutjesdijkPreservation Aspects of a Curation-Oriented Thematic Aggregator -- Dimitris Gavrilis, Stavros Angelis, Christos Papatheodorou, Costis Dallas and Panos Constantopoulos...... 246rnTowards Concise Preservation by Managed Forgetting: Challenges and Opportunities -- Nattiya Kanhabua, Claudia Niederée and Wolf Siberski..... 252rnAcquiring and providing access to historical web collections -- Daniel Gomes, David Cruz, João Miranda, Miguel Costa and Simão Fontes......... 258rnThe SCAPE Planning and Watch suite -- Michael Kraxner, Markus Plangg, Kresimir Duretec, Christoph Becker and Luis Faria.. 262rnDemonstration of the BitCurator Environment -- Christopher Lee..... 266rnUsing data archiving tools to preserve archival records in business systems – a case study -- Neal Fitzgerald...... 268rnPERICLES - Promoting and Enhancing Reuse of Information throughout the Content Lifecycle taking account of Evolving Semantics -- Simon Waddington, Mark Hedges, Sándor Darányi, Elena Maceviciute, Tom Wilson, Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Stamatia Dasiopoulou, Odysseas Spyroglou, Jens Ludwig, Philipp Wieder, Paul Watry, Adil Hasan, Fabio Corubolo, Rani Pinchuk, Jean-Pierre Chanod, Jean-Yves Vion-Dury, Rob Baxter, Pip Laurenson and Christian Muller........ 272rnOn Preparedness of Memory Organizations for Ingesting Data -- Juha Lehtonen, Heikki Helin, Kimmo Koivunen and Kuisma Lehtonen.... 276rnWeb Archiving as a Service for the Sciences -- Anna Kugler, Astrid Schoger and Tobias Beinert....... 280rnA Collaboration to Clarify the Costs of Curation – The 4C Project --- Neil Grindley....... 284rnTAP: A Tiered Preservation Model for Digital Resources --- Umar Qasim, Sharon Farnel and John Huck........ 288rnDigital Preservation Center of NSLC --- Zhenxin Wu......... 292rnEnhancing characterisation for digital preservation -- Paul Wheatley, Gary McGath and Petar Petrov........ 295rnQuery Suggestion for Web Archive Search -- Miguel Costa, João Miranda, David Cruz and Daniel Gomes....... 297rnQuality assured image file format migration in large digital object repositories -- Sven Schlarb, Peter Cliff, Peter May, William Palmer, Matthias Hahn, Reinhold Huber-Moerk,rnAlexander Schindler, Rainer Schmidt and Johan van der Knijff...... 300rnAutomating the Preservation of Electronic Theses and Dissertations with Archivematica -- Mark Jordan................. 304rnDiverse approaches to blog preservation: a comparative study -- Richard Davis, Edward Pinsent and Silvia Arango-Docio........... 308rnDigital preservation of epidemic resources: coupling metadata and ontologies -- João D. Ferreira, Catia Pesquita, Francisco M. Couto and Mário J. Silva........ 310rnRisk Management for Digital Long-Term Preservation Services -- Karlheinz Schmitt and Stefan Hein...... 314rnUPBox and DataNotes: a collaborative data management environment for the long tail of research data -- João Rocha Da Silva, José Barbosa, Mariana Gouveia, Cristina Ribeiro and João Correia Lopes............ 318rnBuilding Institutional Capacity in Digital Preservation -- Matt Schultz, Mark Phillips, Nick Krabbenhoeft and Stephen Eisenhauer....... 322rnAdapting search user interfaces to web archives -- David Cruz and Daniel Gomes..... 326rnA Digital Archive of Monitoring Data -- Fábio Costa, Gabriel David and Álvaro Cunha......... 330rnThe Data-at-Risk Initiative: A Metadata Scheme for Documenting Data Rescue Activities -- Anona C. Earls, Jane Greenberg, William L. Anderson, Angela P. Murillo, W. Davenport Robertson, Shea Swauger, Aaron Kirschenfeld and Erin Clary............ 334rnOn Enhancing the FFMA Knowledge Base -- Sergiu Gordea and Roman Graf....... 337rnA new data model for digital preservation and digital archiving for the French Administration:rnVITAM model on NoSQL technologies -- Frédéric Brégier, Thomas Van de Walle, Marie Laperdrix, Frédéric Deguilhen, Lourdes Fuentes- Hashimoto, Nathalie Morin and Edouard Vasseur....... 341rnMultimedia Collections Management -- Cláudio Souza and Rubens Ferreira....... 345rn
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the 10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects iPRES2013 (2013: Lisbon, Portugal)
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