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Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, Volume 13, Issue 1, August 2018
KESMAS VOLUME 13 NO.1 rnArticlesrnFactors Influencing Immunisation Schedule Adherence and Completion at the Regional Level in the PhilippinesrnPaolo Miguel Manalang VicerrarnPDF | 1-7rnHusband’s Support for Their Wives in Antenatal Care VisitrnAwalia Hanifah, Hadi Pratomo, Giang HoangrnPDF | 8-16rnInfluential Host Factors to the Incidence of HIV/AIDS in Key Populations in Pati DistrictrnDwi Murtono, Puguh Riyanto, Zahroh ShaluhiyahrnPDF | 17-22rnWeb-Based Application to Support Physical Fitness Information of Elderly PeoplernYudhy Dharmawan, Suroto Suroto, Priguna Septia PutrarnPDF | 23-29rnUnsafe Behavior of Workers in Rotary Lathe Section in One of the Plywood Industries in East KalimantanrnIwan Muhamad Ramdan, Dyyka Indah WijayantirnPDF | 30-35rnDirect Experience with Cervical Cancer Patient, Husband Support, and Self-Perception as Determinant Factors of Women’s Desire to Take VIA Screening TestrnNur Anisah Rahmawati, Linda DewantirnPDF | 36-42rnThe Implementation of Documentation by Midwives in PekanbarurnWan AnitarnPDF | 43-47rnAdolescent’s Knowledge and Skill to Refuse DrugsrnLucky Herawati, Johan Arief Budiman, Haryono HaryonornPDF | 48-52
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e-JU 18.134 KES 13.1
Penerbit | FKM UI : Depok., 2018 |
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Volume 13, Issue 1, August 2018
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Pernyataan Tanggungjawab |
Paolo Miguel Manalang Vicerra,dkk
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